Membership Class
Want to find out more about Trinity? Come to our member class! Reach out to with any questions!
Want to find out more about Trinity? Come to our member class! Reach out to with any questions!
Celebrating the birth of Christ is a special time that we celebrate in many ways. One of the ways we celebrate is getting together to worship Him, reflect on the prophecies in Scripture, tell ourselves, again, the story of his birth, and signify the spreading of the light of the world through a candle lighting ceremony. We would love to have you join us.
Please join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We like to celebrate and this is one of our biggest. There will be feasting, music, activities for children and great company. Please join us and invite your friends.
After the celebration of Thanksgiving, and our entrance into the holiday season, Trinity Church likes to take advantage of what some have labeled, ‘Giving Tuesday.’ It is our desire that this day would help orient our hearts away from what we receive towards what we have been blessed to give.
We invite all to join us for our member’s meeting where we will discuss vision, budget and goals of Trinity Church. This meeting is open to all.
We would love for you to join us as we share a meal together. These are often ‘potluck’ style with the church providing some sections of food. All are welcome.
On this day, we will remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf. Join us as we remember his sacrifice.
We would love to have you commit to support and encourage our community in a deeper way. Our new members class will orient you to our church’s key commitments while extending and invitation to join our community in an intentional way. Lunch and childcare are provided. Contact for more information
Please come hang out and eat some good food at our potluck dinner at the church. Bring a dish to share!
A meeting of members of Trinity Church to discuss church business
Join us to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Cookies and cocoa to follow.
We hope you will join us for our annual Christmas party on Friday, December 13th from 6:30-9:00 PM. We'll have a fun and memorable evening with live CHRISTMAS LATIN JAZZ music, dinner and swing dancing. Childcare will be provided. Please bring your favorite dessert to share and to participate in a friendly competition.
A members meeting to discuss the budget and plans for 2019.
Our Physical location is moving. Please check here for most updated information.
PO Box 368063
San Juan, PR 00936
Sundays at 9:00 am
Office Hours:
In flux until our new home is ready