A moment of beauty and healing

Letter from Exile 14

God’s Word: Ephesians 2:8-10

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


A few years ago, I read an inspiring story about the “Cellist in Sarajevo”.  If you will recall the Bosnian War in the early 90’s, there was a massive siege in Sarajevo.  While in a bread line, a mortar hit and immediately killed 22 innocent people, leaving only a huge crater.

That area was known as Sniper Alley, and it was incredibly dangerous.  A gentleman, named Vedran Smailavić, was extremely grieved just like everyone else.  But what could he do? He was a musician.  His home, this once beautiful and prospering city, was now in ruins.  This is what he decided to do.  He put on his tuxedo, tails and all, grabbed his chair and cello, and sat in the middle of the crater and played “Adagio in G minor”. 

He brought beauty to the horror of this world.  And it gave the people space to weep, as well as a space to hope.  This is what Jesus did too.

He took his gifts, and brought beauty to a small part of this broken world.  Smailavić graced the city with this soulful piece.  It haunted and enchanted the hearts of his listeners.  He brought beauty to the horror of this world.  And it gave the people space to weep, as well as a space to hope.  This is what Jesus did too. He ran to the horror of this world—the mess and muck—and he brought beauty.  This is a metaphor for what Christians are called to do. 

Doesn’t it feel like we are sitting in a crater?  We stocked up on food, and now we are just sitting in a crater almost as if we are waiting for a flood to come or something.  Well, think through these verses with me.  Saving you was God’s idea. We are told he did so before the foundation of the world!  And he He did it not because you are good or moral—otherwise you would boast!  Do you know why He did it?  It is because He knew this moment in history would come.  Now “put on” your salvation and walk into those good works.  Playing the cello in a crater is not insignificant.  There is a moment of beauty and healing waiting for you to share.  


Heavenly Father, I am humbled that you saved me, speechless even.  I am not sure what is so special about me that you placed your salvation upon me.  Forgive me if I have ever looked at another person as if I were better than him/her.  You saved me--not because of me--but because of you.  Teach me to rest in your love.  Teach me to walk in good works that you have saved me for.   Spirit, I need a new imagination to help me to know how to serve while I “sit in the crater.”  I want to please you, Lord.  Show me and I will follow you.  In Jesus name, Amen.  

Praying outside of ourselves:

  • Pray for men and women who are in authority who must make difficult decisions about working conditions for those under them.

  • Pray for the families who have lost loved ones, and cannot even attend a funeral.  

  • Pray for Christians to remember that they were made for a bigger life than simply surviving.